Division Metal
We understand that only by maintaining high quality may we guarantee product reliability and the satisfaction of our customers.
Our long-term philosophy of employing the most up-to-date production technology in production processes allows us to guarantee the flexibility and reliability of our deliveries.
The implementation of the EPS® drives the conceptualization of company management, optimising all levels of operation, and increasing the productivity and efficiency of our production divisions.
We are the primary source for optimising individual products, production procedures and technologies via active communication with operators. Exact, accurate execution ensures trouble-free mounting (installation) and the reliable operation of filter equipment and related technologies.
We map all processes in the area of quality management in our company and control these with a view to ensuring product quality and respecting the requirements of the customer.
Quality is certified in keeping with the EN ISO 9001 standard.
We demand quality at all levels. This helps us to continually build brand prestige, along with customer trust and employee motivation.